Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...isters with the Pennsylvania Department of Heath stating that “without the serviced rendered by these good women many additional lives would have been sacrificed.”[12] The mayor of Philadelphia echoed similar sentiment in a letter declaring that “I have never seen a greater demonstration of real charity or self-sacrifice than has

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The Church and Labor

...h today. See the full collection of pamphlets and writings on labor on our online catalog: [1] Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter of Our Holy Father by Divine Providence Pope Leo XIII on the Condition of Labor, (Philadelphia: Hardy & Mahony, 1891) P004.0014. [2] Leo XIII, Condition of Labor, P004.0014 [3]

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Patrick Coad, patentee of the galvanic battery, and interesting miscellaneous items

...shed processing a small collection, Patrick Coad Family Papers (MC 37). An online finding aid will soon be available. Patrick Coad, undated Patrick Coad (1783-1872), an Irish immigrant who settled in Philadelphia, was the first American patentee of a graduated galvanic battery with insulated poles. Coad was a noted teacher

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Ann Mattingly’s Miracle Cure

...rking on cataloging one of their pamphlet collections into PastPerfect, an online catalog that is available through PAHRC's website. That way, instead of blindly searching through boxes, all you need to do is a search through the database to locate a pamphlet. Something interesting that I’ve come across are several

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