Temperance Movement

..., the union made use of numerous newspapers, such as Boston’s The Pilot or New York's Catholic Society Journal of America in order to spread the message of temperance.[8] Another way that the CTAU and other temperance societies tried to increase abstinence was through the building of public drinking fountains,

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Medical Mission Sisters

...stan as well as opened missions in Holland, Indonesia, the Gold Coast, and New Mexico.[8] Indeed, by 1950 there were over 300 sisters serving in 16 different locations around the world.[9] In the year 1944 at Holy Family Hospital in Rawalpindi, Pakistan for instance, the sisters treated over 35,000 patients

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Mary Brackett Willcox and Catholicism in the Suburbs

...hrc-phila.org/items/show/8649 After her conversion, she fully embraced her new faith. Every summer, Mary and James invited Kenrick, other priests, and seminarians to spend time at their home.[7] Over time she would develop special relationships with the seminarians to the point that in letters they began referring to her as “Ma”

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A Philadelphia Artist

...f to have him hired to paint a marine subject for one of the panels in the new extensions of the U.S. Capitol building. Letter from John S. Meehan to W.A.K. Martin, February 2, 1857 Although Meehan urged Martin to begin work on the project in order to provide members

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