41st International Eucharistic Congress

...included the future Pope John Paul II who gave the homily at the Mass for Freedom and Justice in Veterans Stadium.[8] The Congress was even attended by secular leaders such as President Ford, who spoke of the importance of freedom and the Church’s work for peace at the closing Mass

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Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...ween 1833 and 1844 as well as October 1944 and March 1968 can be found for free at the Catholic News Archive. The first ostensibly Catholic newspaper in Philadelphia was The Catholic Herald and Advocate which was first published on November 3, 1822 and may have run for only three

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Higher, Faster, Stronger: The Olympics

...to bring home a gold medal both times. Kobe Bryant stands ready to shoot a free throw. Image is in the public domain. Though he never went to the Olympics, Pope John Paul II was a large advocate, as he was an avid skier, swimmer and hiker. Before the 2004

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