
...course of the seven days, the exhibit space averaged 50,000 attendees per day. In total 500,000 visitors, including 150,000 school children, passed through the Hall to learn about the missionary history of the Church from the first pope, Peter, to the then current pope, Pius XII. Beyond the displays, the

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Cornelia Connelly, S.H.C.J.

...lared “Venerable” by Pope Saint John Paul II. At the Catholic Historical Research Center, we have a few pamphlets and books about Venerable Cornelia Connelly, SCHJ, mostly written by members of her religious order. For more information, contact us and we will be glad to assist you.   [1] Mary

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Citation Information

...ections: [Indicate cited item or series here], Collection Name, Collection number, Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. Photographs: In general, only photographs from the Robert Halvey Collection are to be published with written permission from CHRC. These photographs are to be captioned: Courtesy of the

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Alliance of Catholic Women notable part of the Alliance was its focus on education. This took on a number of different forms over the years. In 1920 with its first major program, the ACW established an endowment to fund scholarships to the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania.[6] Named after an early member, the

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