Digital Collections

...merican Catholic Historical Society, the majority of which relate to Irish American history. ACHS material can be found here and CHRC Historic Papers can be found here. The Catholic Historical Research Center's oral history program, which focuses on the life histories of retired Diocesan priests, serves to fill gaps in

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Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...nti-Catholic Cartoons   While anti-Catholic cartoons date back to the Protestant Reformation, around the 1870s there was a renewed focus on the Catholic Church in the United States. World events, such as the new dogma of papal infallibility (the belief that the pope cannot be wrong in matters of faith),

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...itude, with certain peril to their lives, the Sisters took charge of the pest-stricken patients in that Hospital. Four others of the Sisters gave their services in other hospitals…priests proved their character and their strong virtues, caring for the sick in the exercise of the sacred ministry; while non-Catholic ministers

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...involved in the fight against the flu as the sisters ran three hospitals, St. Agnes, St. Mary, and St. Joseph, which together saw over 1,300 patients.[8] Other religious orders that sent nurses to various hospitals across the city included Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, Sisters of the Immaculate Heart,

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