Irish Land War estimated five million people). The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and the American Civil War created an economic depression that spread to Ireland. This depression, combined with the collapse of the potato crop and a poultry cholera epidemic, led to a great deal of tenants falling behind or not being

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...he Sisters during the epidemic of influenza, October, 1918, (Philadelphia: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 1919), 3-6. [8] Ibid., 7. [9] Ibid., 21. [10] Ibid., 24. [11] Ibid., 26 & 31. [12] Letter from Commissioner of Health of Pennsylvania to the Right Reverbed Dougherty on November 25, 1918. SB-10,

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The Bishop’s Bank

...ese, the majority of depositors were Irish. This is evident from the large number of Irish surnames and the notations listing the various counties in Ireland as the place of origin. Other notations are more lengthy. They might include personal information about the depositor or instructions on distributing money. They

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1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...lroad. The cholera epidemic that was ravaging parts of the U.S., including New York City, spread to Philadelphia and reached the laborers' camp in mid-August. Within two and a half weeks, all of the men were dead. All of the deaths were blamed on the disease; however, historical documents and

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