Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...on the movie industry. In June of 1934, the Motion Picture Association of American agreed to stronger self-censorship and created the Production Code Administration, headed by Catholic layman, Joseph Breen.[9] Another effect of the boycott was the growth in power of the Legion of Decency, a Catholic organization which reviewed

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Newspapers & Periodicals

...ic newspapers in the United States. These newspapers were collected by the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia which was founded in 1886 to collect material documenting the history of Catholicism in the United States. The newspaper collection contains Catholic newspapers from throughout the United States as well as some

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Victory Mass

...World War II, the Catholic Church in America declared their support to the American war effort. Nowhere was this more evident than in Philadelphia, when Cardinal Dougherty held a Mass to “obtain from the mercy of God our country’s victory.”[1] The Mass was scheduled for November 1, 1942 at Convention

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10th Synod

...hing of the faith. The other themes were marriage and the family, roles of service, spirituality and the call to holiness, moral and social issues, and the liturgy.[11] Six sessions were held form September to November of 2002.[12] Members would listen and discuss the various proposals and vote on resolutions.

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