Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...the Spanish Flu, is considered one of the worst epidemics in history. Between the spring of 1918 and the summer of 1919, an estimated 50 million deaths worldwide were attributed to the flu, 34 million more than the total casualties of World War I.[1] In the United States, deaths have

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Medical Mission Sisters

Mary Evelyn Flieger, Anna Dengel, Joanna Lyons and Marie Ulbrich from the Medical Mission Sisters The Medical Mission Sisters are an important religious order that seeks to aid the poor around the world. They were founded by Doctor Anna Dengel on September 30, 1925 and the first three to

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...laware Valley Archivists Group, or DVAG, and have found the association's meetings to be very informative and educational. It was at a DVAG meeting a couple of years ago that Cathleen Miller, who at the time was serving as Project Archivist for the Chew papers at HSP, gave a presentation

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...s both within and outside the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. However, her sister, Louise Drexel Morrell is little remembered. Only the Morrell Park section of Northeast Philadelphia, which occupies the former site of her family estate “San Jose”, as well as Morrell Avenue in the same area, bears memory to her

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