Catholics Responses to the Spanish Civil War

...apers and journals on the horrors of the war and the need for Catholics to support the Nationalist cause. Pamphlet on the Spanish Civil War. Others in the United States who supported the Nationalists during the Civil War wrote numerous pamphlets on the conflict. One notable writer was Father Edward

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital in a single month. The following month of August saw the greatest number of deaths in any one month, averaging at least one per day. In just one year, patients consumed more than 800,000 pounds of bread, 16,000 pounds of butter and 334,000 quarts of milk. During the war,

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Victory Mass

...phia 53, no. 4 (1942): 203. [6] “Great Catholic Mass in Convention Hall to Support War Effort,” SB-36 June 1942-Dec. 1942; Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. [7] Leslie White, Modern Capitalist Culture, (New York: Routledge, 2016), 257. [8] “Solemn Pontifical Mass,” 196. [9] Ibid., 196-197. [10]

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...from God and would spend her days answering correspondence from the large number of charities she helped support and overseeing the affairs of St. Joseph’s and St. Emma’s Industrial Schools. When not working she would toil in her greenhouse or walk the grounds of her estate. During the depression she

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