Research guide for parish histories

...the spiritual and financial reports were divided and filed separately. The spiritual reports were then filed in the Parish Files. Spiritual reports are available to within 5 years of the current year. Financial reports are available through 1971. Both spiritual and financial reports are open through 1940. Spritual reports after

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Contact us

...Contact us Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (CHRC) 6719 Calvert Street Philadelphia, PA 19149 Phone: (215) 904-8149 Email:

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...chools: St. Teresa of Avila, St. Peter Claver, and St. Philip Neri. Please contact CHRC staff for more information. Researchers should contact individual parishes or schools for information. Also, if a school or academy was run by a particular religious order, researchers should contact the order’s archives for information. Back

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France indifferent. I hope to publish it, with a few introductory words in the spirit of your letter. It may not be possible to get the matter into the March issue which is overcrowded with material previously engaged, and much of which would lose its value and timeliness if omitted

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