Catholic Newspapers in Philadelphia

...y 2, 1864. The Catholic Herald and The Catholic Herald and Visitor was the official organ of the Diocese of Philadelphia and carried the recommendation of the Bishop. The January 10, 1863 issue of The Catholic Herald and Visitor has the slogan, “Official Organ of the Diocese of Philadelphia” under

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Black Catholic periodicals

...ce during the last couple decades of the 19th century. In November 1889, a number of prominent men (the actual number is not known) gathered in Baltimore for the first black Catholic lay congress in the country’s history. The emergence of this community was largely due to the efforts of

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World War One Army Chaplains

...he Pennsylvania National Guard; however, he would be discharged before the United States officially entered the war. Father Wolfe would serve as the rector of St. Gregory’s until his passing at the age of 67 in 1949.[11] His actions and the actions of countless others during World War One serve

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital

...sary, library, and three kitchens referred to as restaurants. Although the official capacity of Satterlee was 4,500, the actual capacity exceeded this number. After the Battle of Bull Run, the wounded arrived by the hundreds. After the Battle of Gettysburg, they arrived by the thousands, swelling the hospital population to

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