The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...t the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. Louise Morrell donated millions of dollars to various educational, religious and charitable organizations throughout her lifetime. However, there were several institutions which received her special attention. In 1888, Elizabeth Drexel Smith established St. Francis Industrial School for Boys in Eddington. When Elizabeth died

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41st International Eucharistic Congress

...arles Seminary.[5] In addition to the numerous pilgrims, there were also a number of recognizable attendees who addressed the crowds during various parts of the week. St. Teresa of Calcutta and Dorothy Day were panelists on a conference on Women and the Eucharist, although both were at first reluctant to

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...t of fame was earning close to $20,000 a year (roughly $500,000 in today’s dollars) drawing for the paper.[2] Studying these cartoons can help us better understand the culture of the United States during the 1870s. Examining cartoons is an important tool because, as historian Thomas Milton Kemnitz asserted, the

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The Bishop’s Bank

...tters; if you cannot mildly convince them, pay; it is better to lose a few dollars, than to send abroad a discontented trumpet!" Bishop's Bank Rules, 1848 Regarding investments Frenaye was adamant. The rules state, "Bear in mind that investments must always be made in stock of ready sale: City,

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