Associations & Institutions

...s printed material on Catholic institutions in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Maryland and Washington, D.C. A variety of types of institutions are included, especially hospitals, orphanages, and colleges. Types of material include institutional histories and anniversary books, annual reports, prospectuses and course catalogs. Also included are ephemera such

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James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...reads: There is an element now actively at work which may defeat all calculations and many leading men of both parties are engaged in it. Even the Washington Union appears to lean that way. This is to sink the names of Democrat and Whig and to form a new Union

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TV and Radio

...f Allentown, Trenton, Camden, and Wilmington joining the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Headquartered in Philadelphia and led by the Director of Communions for the Archdiocese, the Delaware Valley Catholic Office of TV and Radio, also called TVR Productions for short, hoped to reach the 2.6 million people living in the tri-state

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Monsignor Hugh J. Nolan

...College, Rosemont College, and Villanova University. Reverend Nolan made many scholarly contributions over the years. For ten years, starting in 1945, he served as editor for the American Catholic Historical Society. In addition, Reverend Nolan contributed biographies of Bishop Kenrick and Cardinal Dennis Dougherty for The History of the Archdiocese

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