Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...h), raised concerns that Catholics owed allegiance first to the Church and not to the United States. The increasing number of Catholic immigrants, most notably from Ireland, led many to believe that America’s Protestant culture was at risk. ← Cartooning Catholics Thomas Nast →...

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Recap of “To Touch a Saint: Creating a Place for Middle School Students” Grant Program!

...bout their own Catholic history and parish through a learning session in a newly equipped classroom. Following the tour and classroom session, the students identified and handled artifacts from the Archives such as a chaplain’s kit from World War I, 19th century religious candy molds, and more. It is rare

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The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...essing from God and would spend her days answering correspondence from the large number of charities she helped support and overseeing the affairs of St. Joseph’s and St. Emma’s Industrial Schools. When not working she would toil in her greenhouse or walk the grounds of her estate. During the depression

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...y after the end of the war. As a scholar of American history and in particular, of French-American relations during the Revolutionary War, Kite knew the extent to which the French assisted the Americans during their fight for independence. Heuser’s initial response was that the piece was out of scope

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