
...stem, which he saw as essential to American freedom and democracy. At this time, Catholics were protesting the use of Protestant bibles in public schools. Also, the rise of parochial schools (schools run by a parish) and attempts by politicians to use government money to fund these schools caused concern

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview

...ead of the Police Department’s Civil Affairs Unit), would call me. And one time we were up there and I had to bring in Spanish priests you know. And they were good. They’d come out, you know and we decided that one way of calming the situation down was to

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National Council of Catholic Women

...Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. October 7, 1931 During Cardinal O’Hara’s time as archbishop, Philadelphia still remained separate from the NCCW; however, he was more receptive to the group and often wrote of his admiration for their work.[9] Indeed, under O’Hara local groups were able to join regardless of the official

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Recently Processed Collection: John Gilmary Shea Correspondence, Shea was considered the leading American Catholic historian of his time. Shea was only 14 years old when he published his first article, a short essay on Cardinal Albornoz in the Children’s Catholic Magazine. It wasn't until the 1850s when Shea really began his work in American Catholic history.

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