The Other Drexel: Louise Drexel Morrell

...’s Agricultural and Industrial School in Virginia to provide young African-American men with secular and religious education. The plight of African-Americans was an area of intense concern for Louise. She was one of the early supporters of the Catholic Interracial Movement. St. Francis' Industrial School, ca. 1897 Although extremely wealthy

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Archbishop Ryan

...(appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt) and opening the first African-American parish, St. Peter’s Claver.[12] His work with the underserved could be seen most clearly in his connections with Saint Katharine Drexel. After the death of Bishop O’Connor, Ryan became Drexel’s spiritual advisor. It was Ryan’s suggest that Drexel named the

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Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career

..., page 1 March 5, 1874 letter to his mother, pages 2-3 During the Spanish- American War, O'Reilly served as chief surgeon of the First Independent Division, the 4th Army Corps, and later chief surgeon on the staff of Major General James F. Wade in Havana. One of the reasons

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Thomas Nast (1840-1902)

Thomas Nast (1840-1902) Described as the father of the American political cartoon, Thomas Nast is an influential figure in U.S. history. Published in Harper’s Weekly, his cartoons were famous for attacking the New York City political machine of Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall. Nast is also credited with creating the

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