...phia relative to continuing and even expanding the apostolate in the inner-city areas. The work of CORDUM was guided by various documents, most of which came from the Second Vatican Council, such as Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World), Apostolicam Actuositatem (Apostolate of the Laity), and Ad

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The Day the Bronx Bomber Played in Kensington

...nsion Catholic Club was in serious financial trouble. The club had built a new field at I and Tioga Sts. and was deeply in debt. Father William Casey, pastor of Ascension, was desperately seeking some way to defray the cost. An avid baseball fan, Father Casey was the unofficial chaplain

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Building of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul

...ontinued to play a central role in the celebration of Catholic life in the city of Philadelphia. [1] A Brief History and Description of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, (Philadelphia: Archdiocese of Philadelphia 1917), 4 [2] Letter from Marc A. Frenaye to Bishop Kenrick, MC72_30.08. [3] Golden Jubilee

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Mary Brackett Willcox and Catholicism in the Suburbs After her conversion, she fully embraced her new faith. Every summer, Mary and James invited Kenrick, other priests, and seminarians to spend time at their home.[7] Over time she would develop special relationships with the seminarians to the point that in letters they began referring to her as “Ma”

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