Thomas Lloyd family papers, 1766-1867 (MC 45)

Thomas Lloyd (1756–1827), known as the “Father of American Shorthand,” published the most complete and official record of the First Continental Congress from the notes taken in his shorthand. Other accomplishments included working for the United States Treasurer, and reporting George Washington’s first inaugural address, which was published in the

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Temperance Movement

...hew, a priest who helped start the temperance movement in Ireland and then traveled America from 1849-1851 to spread the cause.[3] With the growth in local societies, usually based around either parishes or dioceses, the need for a unifying national organization arose. So in 1872 in Baltimore, a national convention

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Research records be closed to researchers for varying lengths of time. Access to American Catholic Historical Society collections is practically unlimited and major portions of the Seminary, Archdiocesan and Drexel materials are open to researchers. Use of Archdiocesan departmental records requires the permission of the department. The reference services offered

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Catholics in WWII see.”[2] Boylan wrote to Dougherty in May of 1945 that there was little American celebrations on VE day as many believed they would soon be sent to the Pacific theater in the war against Japan.[3] Throughout his letters, Boylan told of the work his chaplain would perform, including daily

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