Mathew Carey

...ature.[6] An even larger impact on the American literary scene was Carey’s book company, which was described as the “greatest publishing and distributing firm in the country.”[7] In addition to publishing American works, Carey was a major player in importing European works, being the first to publish Walter Scott and

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Herman Joseph Heuser papers, 1811-1933 (MC 1)

...ublished the Dolphin, a general Catholic literary magazine that began as a book supplement to the American Ecclesiastical Review. In 1907, during the controversy over Modernism, Heuser was appointed by the Apostolic Delegate as general censor for all Catholic publications in the United States. Heuser also acted as a consultant

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Newspapers & Periodicals 1886 to collect material documenting the history of Catholicism in the United States. The newspaper collection contains Catholic newspapers from throughout the United States as well as some Catholic newspapers from Canada, England, Ireland, France and Italy. The collection contains over 300 titles, representing 35 states and the District

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Centennial Exposition Exhibition,” The Philadelphia Public Ledger, May 8, 1876, SB1, 234. [2] United States Centennial International Exhibition Shares, [3] “The Exhibition,” The Catholic Standard, May 20, 1876, 1. [4] Opening of the Centennial Building on Sunday Afternoons,” The Catholic Standard, SB1, 235. [5] “Great Exhibition,” SB1, 234 [6] The

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