Liturgical Week

...elebrate the first Solemn Mass in English in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul on November 29, 1964, the first day such a vernacular Mass was allowed by the Vatican. In addition, Krol wanted the parishes to roll out these changes as quickly as possible and issued a number

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Friendly and Adopted Sons

...By the 1790s the group began to lose membership and many members sought to change the focus from just a social group to a charitable one. This gave rise to the Hibernian Society for the Relief of Emigrants from Ireland formed in 1790.[9] When the Friendly Sons stopped meeting in

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The Centennial Fountain

...Moses striking the rock to give water to the Israelites was chosen.[2] The change was due to the Moses allegory of life giving water being better focused on the CTAU’s mission to encourage people to turn away from alcohol. While the main Irish American connection was removed, the CTAU incorporated

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...pull through and the medical staff would comment that they could “see the change there is in this place since the Sisters came.”[11] After the epidemic had subsided, government officials praised the work of the sisters with the Pennsylvania Department of Heath stating that “without the serviced rendered by these

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