Herman Joseph Heuser papers, 1811-1933 (MC 1)

...olphin Press of Philadelphia, which printed many ecclesiastical works. From 1900 to 1908 he published the Dolphin, a general Catholic literary magazine that began as a book supplement to the American Ecclesiastical Review. In 1907, during the controversy over Modernism, Heuser was appointed by the Apostolic Delegate as general censor

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

...y and jurisdiction of priests and bishops. Draft of Trustees' report (April 13, 1812) suggesting layoffs or a decrease in clergy salary to combat the church's growing debt, page 1 Trustees' report, page 2 Egan vowed to be more assertive and tried to amicably resolve disputes, but his mild nature

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition

...he manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol was ratified on January 16, 1919. The amendment was passed with the belief that by banning alcohol many of the negative aspects associated with drunkenness would be removed from society. For this reason, many Protestant religions embraced the cause of Prohibition in the

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