41st International Eucharistic Congress

...to 1881, when a one day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by 800 people. The event in Philadelphia would last for a week and be attended by over 1,500,000 people including 44 Cardinals and 417 bishops from around the world. [1] Production of Foolsgold. Halvey A443.011 Planning

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...ore. “Tied to His Mother’s Apron-Strings,” October 12, 1872 Here Uncle Sam offers to free an American bishop from the pope’s plans to rule both church and state. Nast seems to suggest that the problem with Catholics is not their faith but their allegiance to a foreign power. In the

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...alog. There are some online finding aids that researchers can access. CHRC offers services for researchers who are unable to visit. While there is no fee for quick reference questions that require no research, general (non-genealogical) research questions can be handled by skilled staff members for a fee of $25.00

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The Bishop’s Bank

...stock of ready sale: City, or State of Pennsylvania. No other; City is the best. County stock is good, but of slow sale. Never purchase any other stock. Beware of Banks, Canals, railroads, other States of the Union, and all kinds of fancy stocks. Some of them may be good,

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