Recently Processed Collection: John Gilmary Shea Correspondence

...ribes of the United States, 1529-1854 (1854), An Elementary History of the United States (1855), and A School History of the United States (1855). Shea was very passionate about his life as a scholar; so much so that over the next four decades, he published two hundred and fifty articles

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Centennial Exposition to supplement budget shortfalls in the event.[3] Before the Exposition opened, there was debate over opening the fairgrounds on Sundays. While it was decided to keep it closed, Archbishop Wood was in favor of it opening for a few hours in the afternoons. He believed that if the faithful

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Collection Development Policy

...nlimited and major portions of the Seminary and Archdiocesan materials are open to researchers. Access restrictions to Seminary and Archdiocesan records apply to all unpublished materials after 1920; however, these materials may be opened to researchers with special permission. DONATIONS In addition to serving as the archives of the Archdiocese

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Roman Catholic and Archdiocese High Schools

...ld lay the ground work for the eventual Catholic League.[8] Soon after the opening of Roman Catholic, there were calls to open a similar high school for girls. While a full high school was not feasible at first, the superintendent of schools, Father Philip McDevitt, did open 5 learning centers

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