Beloved Cardinal Archbishop: John Francis O’Hara

...Catholics Install Archbishop O’Hara In Solemn Ceremony at Cathedral,” Scrapbook 2016.026 [5] “Official Press Book Elevation and Investiture His Eminence John Cardinal O’Hara, C.S.C,” (Philadelphia: Catholic Standard and Times: 1958) [6] “Church Bells Greet New Archbishop,” Scrapbook 2016.026 [7] “Letter to Vincent Carroll, from Bishop J. Carroll McCormick,” 12/28/1951, MC79

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Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...immediate, over 300,000 Catholics signing pledges to avoid the movies and ticket sales dropped around 20 percent.[3] The decrease in revenue led to numerous theater owners and movie studios writing to Dougherty asking to end the boycott; however, he replied that he had “no intention to recede” from his stance.[4]

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The Church and Labor

...Catholics and its teaching on the economy. The Catholic Church has a long connection to labor and the plight of the worker, beginning with Pope Leo XIII's famous Encyclical, Rerum Novarum (Latin for Of New Things), published in May of 1891. Pope Leo was reacting to the new economic systems

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Eucharistic Congress 1881, when a one day congress was held in Lille, France and attended by 800 people. The event in Philadelphia would last for a week and be attended by over 1,500,000 people including 44 Cardinals and 417 Bishops from around the world. Halvey_A429_001 Halvey_A429_052 Halvey_A429_054 Halvey_A429_056   Hungers and

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