Editorial Cartoons

...urch in West Brandywine. His cartoons were featured in The Catholic Standard and Times primarily between 1968 and 1976. John James Knudsen (1923-2008) John James Knudsen was the cartoonist for Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ The Tidings and the San Diego Union Tribune. His cartoons were published in The Catholic Standard

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Higher, Faster, Stronger: The Olympics

...hool. Drafted in 1996, he spent all 20 years of his career playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. In 2008 and 2012, Kobe was named to the Men’s Basketball Team, helping to bring home a gold medal both times. Kobe Bryant stands ready to shoot a free throw. Image is

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Catholic Interracial Council

...ish Hal, 11/11/1956 The following year in 1958, Father Cunnie passed away, leaving the council without a spiritual advisor, which was necessary to be recognized as an official Catholic organization by the Archdiocese.[16] However, at the time the chancery was unwilling to supply a new priest.[17] Due to this impasse,

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Anti-Catholicism in Jacksonian Philadelphia

...William Hogan, who spread incredible lies about the Catholic Church after leaving it. Heated debates between Catholic and Protestant clergymen occurred in Philadelphia during the 1830s. One of the most well-known were the exchanges between John Breckinridge, secretary and general agent of the Board of Education of the Presbyterian Church

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