Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

...of the National Shrine 1993.17; CHRC It would not be until after World War II that plans to finish the shire were developed. A general appeal by all the U.S. bishops went out in 1953, raising over $8 million, which allowed construction to resume in 1954.[16] Maginnis resumed the role

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Packard, Butler and Partridge Lithograph Collection

...In 1883 they were joined by David Anson Partridge, a photo-lithographer originally from Vermont. The firm was re-named as Packard, Butler and Partridge. At about this time, they also relocated their business to 715 Arch Street. The church lithograph collection contains items from both firms. On January 26, 1886, the

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American Federation of Catholic Societies

...he country sought to create an umbrella organization to help coordinate activity between several overlapping societies, such as the Ancient Order of the Hibernian, the Knights of Columbus, and the Total Abstinence Union. Plans for such a national organization can be traced back to 1890 with a call from the

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

Philadelphia’s first Bishop, the Irish-born Franciscan Michael Egan, was appointed a full century after the American colonists began the practice of their Catholic Faith in the New World. Bishop Michael Egan, n.d. The colony of Pennsylvania, chartered in 1681 with William Penn as proprietor, offered the safety of religious tolerance,

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