The Bishop’s Bank

...rate that the Diocese ran that bank according to sound business practices. Customer relations and secure investments were the guiding principles of the Bishop's bank. According to Frenaye's rules office hours were to be posted on the door and adhered to punctually. Depositors were always to be treated politely. Impatience

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Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...23, 1864 on the topic of “the English have no right to rule in Ireland” in support of the Fenian cause.[14] However, Wood wrote to Moriarty “forbid[ing] absolutely the delivery of the lecture” or else “forfeit all your [Moriarty’s] faculties in the diocese.”[15] Father Moriarty choose to disobey his superior

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Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...nd-water” resolution on movies. While Cardinal Dougherty was strong in his support for the general boycott, everyday Catholics began to start wavering by the winter of 1934. Indeed, many wrote letters to Dougherty asking him to release them from their pledge and stating that many of their friends had already

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition and an increase in organized crime. These difficulties led to a loss of support for Prohibition, which resulted in its repeal on December 5, 1933 with the ratification of the 21st Amendment. [1] Michael deHaven Newsom, “Some Kind of Religious Freedom: National Prohibition and the Volstead Act’s Exemption for

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