Misericordia Hospital

...sters of Mercy set up a training program for nurses. The first class of 21 students started in May of 1918 and graduated on May 21, 1921.[13] By 1968 almost 2,000 nurses were trained at Misericordia.[14] Misericordia Hospital: One-Half Century of Service, 1918-1968, (1968), 17. In 1967 plans were made

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The Bishop’s Bank

...ildly convince them, pay; it is better to lose a few dollars, than to send abroad a discontented trumpet!" Bishop's Bank Rules, 1848 Regarding investments Frenaye was adamant. The rules state, "Bear in mind that investments must always be made in stock of ready sale: City, or State of Pennsylvania.

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St. Peter Claver

...roughout the rest of the 1880s.[4] When Katharine Drexel was in Pittsburgh studying under the Sisters of Mercy to form her own order, she meet the Congregation of the Holy Spirit. Also known as the Holy Ghost Fathers, this order of priests had numerous missions in Africa and through the

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Irish Land War

...testaments, and booklets on a variety of topics. I recently came across a number of documents related to the “Irish Question.” The Irish Question, concerning Irish nationalism and independence, spanned the time period from around the mid 19th to the mid 20th century. Religion and politics were both prominent topics

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