Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons American society. In the immediate aftermath of the Orange Riot of July 12, 1871 in New York City, in which Irish Catholics clashed with the National Guard protecting an Irish Protestant parade, Nast drew a number of anti-Irish cartoons for Harper’s Weekly. One cartoon illustrated the Draft Riots of

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Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career

...eneral Field Hospital near Chattanooga Creek, Chattanooga, Tennessee, March 12, 1864 In 1867, O'Reilly was sent to several army posts in the southwest and was then stationed in Wyoming Territory ending up at Fort Laramie, Wyoming. While there, he was involved in clashes between the U.S. military and the Sioux

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Medical Mission Sisters

...iance." Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia 101, no. 1/2 (1990): 22. [3] Lou Baldwin, “At Motherhouse in Fox Chase: Medical Mission Sisters Celebrate 70 years,” [4] Christine Schenk, “Becoming a Worldwide Church with Members Who Love One Another,”

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Catholics Responses to the Spanish Civil War

...cs and the Spanish Civil War: 1936-1939." The New England Quarterly 44, no. 1 (1971), 100. [4] Juan Francisco de Cardenas, “Letter to Cardinal Dougherty,” 01/30/1937, MC78_80.4513. [5] J. David Valaik, "American Catholic Dissenters and the Spanish Civil War." The Catholic Historical Review 53, no. 4 (1968), 732. [6] Spanish

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