Portrait photograph of Robert M. O'Reilly, circa 1870

A lengthy and active military career

...ee, March 12, 1864 In 1867, O'Reilly was sent to several army posts in the southwest and was then stationed in Wyoming Territory ending up at Fort Laramie, Wyoming. While there, he was involved in clashes between the U.S. military and the Sioux Nation in 1874 and 1880. For a

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Black Catholics in Philadelphia and The Journal

...lack families were able to rent pews in the gallery of Old St. Joseph. The number of black Catholics in Philadelphia grew considerably during the Haitian revolution (1791-1804) when many refugees immigrated to the city. Evidence of black Catholics can be found within the sacramental registers of the older parishes,

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...are a less technologically-intensive institution; we use WordPress for our site; we need inexpensive and easily-implemented alternatives...Perfect! The catablog looked like a great option that would allow us to make our collections more accessible to researchers. With the help of our IT consultant, Walt Rice, Jr. I have begun to

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Catholic Interracial Council

...losing. In 1959, McGarry retired from the organization, which marked the unofficial end of the council. The CICP continued to have sporadic informal meetings until 1961, when it officially ceased.[18] With the installation of Archbishop John Krol, there was some hope for a revival and Father LaFarge wrote to him

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