Packard, Butler and Partridge Lithograph Collection

...beled but generally are not. St. Stanislaus Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin A number of the exterior views also include vignettes of the pastor or other parish buildings such as the school, rectory and convent or the former church. St. Mary's Church, Norwalk, Ohio The exterior views also have standard touches such

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Catholics in WWII

...which Philadelphia had the second most with 51. As the war continued that number would increase to 68, unfortunately eight of those Philadelphia priests would die in the war, the most of any U.S. diocese.[7] Meyer Photo: Margherita Camp Chapel From his priests, Dougherty would often receive monthly progress reports

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Beloved Cardinal Archbishop: John Francis O’Hara

Born on May 1, 1888 to John and Ellen in Ann Arbor Michigan, John Dillon O’Hara was the fourth of ten children. After his confirmation, he would go by John Francis after his patron St. Francis de Sales.[1] His family moved to South America when he was a child, living

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Parish Histories and Calendars

...Pennsylvania. Inquiries on parishes outside of Pennsylvania can be made by phone or e-mail. Some material for parishes outside of Pennsylvania may be found in the Pamphlet Collection. Parish Calendar Collection This collection contains Monthly Parish Calendars for over three hundred parishes. The date range for most is from about

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