Catholics in WWII

...which Philadelphia had the second most with 51. As the war continued that number would increase to 68, unfortunately eight of those Philadelphia priests would die in the war, the most of any U.S. diocese.[7] Meyer Photo: Margherita Camp Chapel From his priests, Dougherty would often receive monthly progress reports

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

Among the recently digitized images added to our online collection are a number of drawings by cartoonist Thomas Nast. In 1846 at the age of six, Nast immigrated with his mother to the United States and by age 15 he had begun drawing for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News.[1] He joined

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition

...atholic Prohibition League (CPL) held its first meeting in 1914 in Niagara Falls New York, where they declared their goal was for the creation of a dry and saloonless nation.[9] During CPL’s convention, they challenged the Catholic Total Abstinence Union for not opposing the liquor traffic and saw themselves as

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Collection Development Policy

...of the materials. Catholic Historical Research Center (CHRC) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia 6719 Calvert Street Philadelphia, Pa 19149 Phone: (215)-904-8149 Email:

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