1832 Cholera Outbreak in Philadelphia and Duffy’s Cut

...er servant of St. Joseph's Home, no date Kenrick agreed to contact the order. In addition to the five sisters already in Philadelphia, eight others were sent from the motherhouse in Maryland. They lived and worked in the Almshouse and other hospitals, including St. Augustine Church, which Fr. Hurley had

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Irish Land War

...neteenth century into PastPerfect, which are now accessible in the PAHRC's online catalog. Within these hundreds of pamphlets are speeches given by members of the clergy, last will and testaments, and booklets on a variety of topics. I recently came across a number of documents related to the “Irish Question.”

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...patients who would be treated in the building.[7] The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis also were deeply involved in the fight against the flu as the sisters ran three hospitals, St. Agnes, St. Mary, and St. Joseph, which together saw over 1,300 patients.[8] Other religious orders that

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Elizabeth Sarah Kite and the Seminaries of France

...ite’s article was published in The American Ecclesiastical Review (see our online catalog for our collection of The American Ecclesiastical Review here) and entreated Americans of any faith to come to the aid of France: Yet may we not hope that the generous spirit of the American clergy and people

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