Archbishop Ryan

...ioners (appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt) and opening the first African-American parish, St. Peter’s Claver.[12] His work with the underserved could be seen most clearly in his connections with Saint Katharine Drexel. After the death of Bishop O’Connor, Ryan became Drexel’s spiritual advisor. It was Ryan’s suggest that Drexel named

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St. Peter Claver France and the statues were imported from Italy.[10] In 1903, new electrical lights in the shape of stars were installed and two gold crowns were made to adorn the statues of Jesus and Mary.[11] As St. Peter Claver’s grew, a new school was needed, which was dedicated in 1906.[12]

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Philadelphia’s Third Archbishop

...third Archbishop, Edmond F. Prendergast (1911-1918). Catholic Standard and Times, June 3, 1911 Prendergast studied, was ordained, and served in the in the Philadelphia Archdiocese for almost a half-century by the time Pope Pius X appointed him Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan’s replacement in May 1911. He was installed as Archbishop

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The Centennial Fountain

...ns. [1] Joseph Gibbs, History of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, (Philadelphia: 1907), 26. [2] Daria Gasparini, “A Celebration of Moral Force: The Catholic Total Abstinence Union of American Centennial Fountain,” Master’s Thesis (University of Pennsylvania, 2002), 7. [3] Gibbs, History of the Catholic, 34. [4] Gasparini, “A

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