James Buchanan materials at the Archdiocesan Archives?

...d that it's purpose "shall be the preservation and publication of Catholic American historical documents, the investigation of American Catholic history, especially that of Philadelphia, and the development of interest in Catholic historical research." It appears, however, that like many historical societies, the ACHS sometimes accepted materials that did not

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The Centennial Fountain

...in America. Photo by Colin Varga Visit the archives to see more images and information on the building of the fountain and the centennial celebrations. [1] Joseph Gibbs, History of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, (Philadelphia: 1907), 26. [2] Daria Gasparini, “A Celebration of Moral Force: The Catholic

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Jane and Marianne Campbell: Catholic Feminists

...k. Jane and Marianne were also involved in numerous Catholic, civic, Irish-American, botanical, and historical organizations and associations, such as the American Catholic Historical Society for which Jane served as recording secretary for a time, as well as the City History Society of Philadelphia, the Audubon Society, St. Vincent’s Aid

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Hometown Saint: Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in Philadelphia

...olored races.” The new order, the first to minister to the needs of Native-Americans and African-Americans, grew slowly. In 1892, twelve postulates received the habit of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (SBS). Ultimately, more than 100 SBS educational intuitions, including Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana, would be founded

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