Newman Centers

...lege.[7] FCCC 1917 While the Newman club at Penn was reforming, across the country during the early 1900s, other students were forming Catholic clubs. In 1915, seven New York colleges created the Federation of College Catholic Clubs to unite these separate groups. [8] Three years later it counted 19 members

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Prague Spring

...ovak peoples. McGovern, “Flower that Blooms in the Spring,” May, 3, 1968 Even before the invasion, many feared that like a weed the Soviets would kill off any reforms before they had time to blossom. McGovern, “Return to Normalcy,” August 30, 1968 With the Soviets in charge of the country,

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Mathew Carey

...Two years later, he published American Museum, the second magazine in the country The publication focused on American literature, which lead George Washington to say that “no more useful literary plan has ever been undertaken in America.”[5] Contributors included Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Rush and helped lead to an increased

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Victory Mass

...] During the speech, Dougherty declared that “should we lose the war… [the country] will be pounced upon by vultures, which will devour it to the bone.”[8] He continued stating that “we must win, we will win” and that the armed forces risked their “lives in the sacred cause of

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