Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Monument in honor of our Blessed Mother,” revealing his belief that the United States needed to join the rest of Christendom in honoring Mary.[2] Early plans for the shrine were more in line with a 14th century French Gothic Cathedral; however, eventually Shahan and the Building Committee, which Cardinal

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The Church and Labor

...iladelphia were often vocal in their views of the economic problems in the United States. Archbishop Patrick Ryan was active in labor relations, working on a number of occasions as a mediator between management and labor unions to bring about peace resolutions. In a 1953 Labor Day speech, John Cardinal

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The Centennial Fountain

...nning and fundraising. After an original design focusing on the connection between America and Ireland was rejected, a main theme around Moses striking the rock to give water to the Israelites was chosen.[2] The change was due to the Moses allegory of life giving water being better focused on the

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Thomas Lloyd family papers, 1766-1867 (MC 45)

...tes taken in his shorthand. Other accomplishments included working for the United States Treasurer, and reporting George Washington’s first inaugural address, which was published in the Gazette of the United States. Lloyd emigrated from London shortly before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. During the war, he served as a

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