
...icy. NEWS Digitization of the Catholic Standard & Times Thanks to generous support from the American Catholic Historical Society, fourteen more years of Catholic Standard & Times, spanning from 1916 to 1930, have just been added to the Catholic News Archives, a free online resource that provides access to twenty

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition

...aw and an increase in organized crime. These difficulties led to a loss of support for Prohibition, which resulted in its repeal on December 5, 1933 with the ratification of the 21st Amendment. [1] Michael deHaven Newsom, “Some Kind of Religious Freedom: National Prohibition and the Volstead Act’s Exemption for

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Irish Catholics and Secret Societies

...23, 1864 on the topic of “the English have no right to rule in Ireland” in support of the Fenian cause.[14] However, Wood wrote to Moriarty “forbid[ing] absolutely the delivery of the lecture” or else “forfeit all your [Moriarty’s] faculties in the diocese.”[15] Father Moriarty choose to disobey his superior

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...April 7, 1917- Feb. 12, 1920, CHRC Since the sisters were put into direct contact with the flu when caring for the sick, a number of them would also become infected with the disease. It was recorded that 23 sisters died from the flu. One such case reported in the

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