Irish Land War

...nd War in Ireland over the centuries old landlordism system. By 1879, about 800 families owned half of the country’s land and acted as landlords, renting small plots of land out to the majority of the population (an estimated five million people). The Franco-Prussian war of 1870 and the American

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Mathew Carey, being the first to publish Walter Scott and Charles Dickens in the United States.[8] It was through is publishing company that Carey was able to publish the first English translation of the Catholic bible in America in 1790.[9] Through his printing company, Carey was able to publish over 150

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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Monument in honor of our Blessed Mother,” revealing his belief that the United States needed to join the rest of Christendom in honoring Mary.[2] Early plans for the shrine were more in line with a 14th century French Gothic Cathedral; however, eventually Shahan and the Building Committee, which Cardinal

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Historic Anti-Catholic Cartoons

..., around the 1870s there was a renewed focus on the Catholic Church in the United States. World events, such as the new dogma of papal infallibility (the belief that the pope cannot be wrong in matters of faith), raised concerns that Catholics owed allegiance first to the Church and

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