
...ore. “Tied to His Mother’s Apron-Strings,” October 12, 1872 Here Uncle Sam offers to free an American bishop from the pope’s plans to rule both church and state. Nast seems to suggest that the problem with Catholics is not their faith but their allegiance to a foreign power. In the

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Vatican II

...oked forward to the results of the council with hope for a better tomorrow. Wolf, “The Middle Way,” December 9, 1966 After Vatican II, there was debate over how to implement its teachings. Here Wolf shows that the middle way is the best way. Wolf, ” It’ll Make Port,” June

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Jane and Marianne Campbell: Catholic Feminists

...ing to its editor, was to “be a high class monthly magazine devoted to the best interests of Women. It is the intention of the editor,” the first issue’s editorial announcement notes,” to keep women informed of the various opportunities that are open to them; of their political status in

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