Catholic Interracial Council the white employees in protest. McGarry, the WPIF, and other religious groups then pressured the Irish Catholic union leaders to stop the strike.[9] However, the strike would ultimately end after a Federal government intervention. Anna McGarry In 1946, CIIC and the WPIF were combined into one organization when McGarry

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An “Un-American Invention”?: Catholics and the Issue of Prohibition

...he CTAU did not want to force temperance on the population, other Catholic groups saw it as a necessary step to root out the evils of drinking. Cardinal John Ireland, for instance, cofounded the Anti-Saloon League, a major ecumenical force in making Prohibition the law of the land.[8] Another group,

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Priest and Rosary Calm Tension – Oral History Interview

...we had, we developed a technique, with Monsignor Dowling and myself and a group, a particular cadre of priests, that you know, we could call on to do this anywhere. And we were in every area of the city. We were in North Philly, we were in the suburbs, we

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Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools records, 1890-1932 (MC 92)

...the decentralized feeder parish schools. In 1895, the board established a group of inspectors to oversee the schools, and in 1901 the power to appoint principals and teachers was transferred from local priests to the central board. The Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools records date from 1890 to 1932, with bulk

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