Alliance of Catholic Women

...ut hundreds of new toys.[12] In 1953, the Alliance of Catholic Women faced new competition from the newly formed Ladies of Charity of Philadelphia, which unlike the ACW did not charge membership dues. Despite this, the Alliance continued its charitable work in the archdiocese until 2000, when the organization ceased

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The Story of Duffy’s Cut

...of the most challenging stretches of the route. Riding out to Malvern, the new laborers set up camp and began to work. Cholera, a disease which has been running rampart through the Western world, had reached the camp. Fearful of contracting the disease, along with the added prejudice against Irish

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Redpath’s Illustrated Weekly: a rare find American newspapers concerning Ireland, in July 1882 Redpath bought the New York based newspaper McGee’s Illustrated Weekly from its publisher, Maurice Francis Egan and determined to make it a vehicle to support land reform in Ireland and promote Irish independence. July 15, 1882 issue of McGee's Illustrated Weekly noting

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Beloved Cardinal Archbishop: John Francis O’Hara

...llentown and Bethlehem (then part of the Archdiocese). In both cities, the new archbishop was greeted with much fanfare, with the local Catholic High bands playing upon his arrival and receptions held in his honor.[6] Once the train made it to Philadelphia the day before the installation, O’Hara was greeted

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