Catholics in WWII

...stant chaplains.[6] O’Hara’s letter also included a list breaking down the number of chaplains from each diocese, in which Philadelphia had the second most with 51. As the war continued that number would increase to 68, unfortunately eight of those Philadelphia priests would die in the war, the most of

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Medical Mission Sisters

...both membership and service locations. The sisters built more hospitals in India and Pakistan as well as opened missions in Holland, Indonesia, the Gold Coast, and New Mexico.[8] Indeed, by 1950 there were over 300 sisters serving in 16 different locations around the world.[9] In the year 1944 at Holy

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital the Battle of Gettysburg which occurred during July 1863, the greatest number of wounded were admitted to the hospital in a single month. The following month of August saw the greatest number of deaths in any one month, averaging at least one per day. In just one year, patients

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Research guide for parish histories

...ports are available through 1971. Both spiritual and financial reports are open through 1940. Spritual reports after 1940 may be accessed with permission of the pastor. Financial reports after 1940 require permission of the Office for Financial Affairs. Chancery Parish Files, circa 1920- These files contain material maintained by the

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