Medical Mission Sisters

...this new order because of her experience working at a hospital in northern India (in what is now Pakistan), providing medical assistance to women and children.[2] Dengal hoped the order would be made up of women trained as doctors or nurses who would be sent around the world to care

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Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...reening of an acceptable movie then Catholics would be permitted to go to that. The difference being that the theaters were “occasions of sin” and therefore it was immoral to visit such places.[7] Nevertheless, support continued to wane so much so that by 1938 people would write to Dougherty asking

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Catholics in WWII

...impressed by their “sincere effort to lead good Catholic lives under somewhat difficult circumstances.”[8] Larkin often wrote that many non-Catholics would attend Mass and he had high numbers of confessions. He did complain about the difficulty in attending to all the men under his care as he had no transportation

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