Dougherty’s Movie Boycott

...of American agreed to stronger self-censorship and created the Production Code Administration, headed by Catholic layman, Joseph Breen.[9] Another effect of the boycott was the growth in power of the Legion of Decency, a Catholic organization which reviewed and rated movies (the history of the Legion will be explored more

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Cardinal Dougherty and His Golden Jubilee

...ould leave Philadelphia in 1903 when he was named Bishop of Neuva Segovia, Philippines. He would remain in the Philippines until 1916 when he became the Bishop of Buffalo.[6] Two years later, Dougherty returned to Philadelphia when he was named its 4th Archbishop, following the death of Archbishop Prendergast. He

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Medical Mission Sisters

...taken with the mission as he himself had served as a Mission Bishop in the Philippines years earlier. During a meeting with Dengel in 1925, Dougherty gave her a $500 check and sent her another $5,000 a few weeks later to contribute to the building of a hospital in India.[5]

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