Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

...with the other two demonstrate how Nast believed that the ideals that the United States were founded on were in danger because of the treachery of the Irish. Examining Nast’s anti-Irish cartoons has revealed the deep-seated anti-immigrant feelings that were held by many in the United States. Such beliefs were

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Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...rds, which directly connects into Nast’s other theme that education is the way to fight Catholic enslavement. Through these three cartoons, Nast demonstrated the idea that the pope, by having authority over American Catholics, was a threat to the United States government and its people. "The American River Ganges. The

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World War One Army Chaplains

...chbishop Prendergast in 1906, Father Wolfe served as assistant pastor to a number of parishes including St. Patrick’s and Assumption B.V.M.[4] When the United States entered World War I, Father Wolfe applied to be an army chaplain, being first assigned to Camp Meade in Maryland. In May 1918, he was

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Philadelphia’s First Bishop

..., the city and county of Philadelphia had over 100,000 inhabitants. As the number of Catholics in the United States grew, Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore suggested that his immense diocese be divided, and in 1808 the Dioceses of Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Bardstown, Kentucky were established. The newly

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