Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons

Among the recently digitized images added to our online collection are a number of drawings by cartoonist Thomas Nast. In 1846 at the age of six, Nast immigrated with his mother to the United States and by age 15 he had begun drawing for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News.[1] He joined

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Vistarama United States history. The purpose was to acquaint the public with the world wide work of the Catholic Church and promote the various apostolic services. Hosted in Convention Hall, over 400 exhibits from 170 mission societies would be on display for the public over the course of a week.

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Philadelphia’s First Catholic Cathedral

...races its history to 1763, when a second church was needed for the growing number of Catholics in the city. Built on land originally bought to serve as a cemetery for Old St. Joseph’s, Old St. Mary’s was referred to as “Mission Number 1” as St. Joseph’s was seen as

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Influenza Pandemic and the Sisters

...e were attributed to the flu, 34 million more than the total casualties of World War I.[1] In the United States, deaths have been estimated around 675,000, with Philadelphia being one of the hardest hit city with between 13,000 and 16,000 flu related deaths. [2] SB-10, April 7, 1917- Feb.

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