Bishop Francis Kenrick and His Journals

...was so meticulous in keeping records of his life, since we are now able to use these records of his letters and travels to gain a deeper understanding of the Diocese of Philadelphia during a time of both hardships and great advances. The journal with which I worked offers insight

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Medical Mission Sisters

...iety of Philadelphia 101, no. 1/2 (1990): 22. [3] Lou Baldwin, “At Motherhouse in Fox Chase: Medical Mission Sisters Celebrate 70 years,” [4] Christine Schenk, “Becoming a Worldwide Church with Members Who Love One Another,” [5] Reher,"D...

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Misericordia Hospital

...delphia 1921), 32. An important component of Misericordia hospital was its use as a teaching center for doctors and nurses. Indeed, even before the hospital officially opened, the Sisters of Mercy set up a training program for nurses. The first class of 21 students started in May of 1918 and

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital

...han the officers, sharing just four eating utensils reserved for officers' use. The chapel was so small that some sisters had to exit the room so others could enter and receive Holy Communion. Satterlee Hospital became a self-contained city when a tent city was built on the grounds in 1863.

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