Thomas Nast Anti-Catholic Cartoons

...and unable to handle American liberty. This made the Irish a threat to the United States and thus a focus of Nast’s criticism. Connected to this anti-Irish sentiment was also a strong Anti-Catholic feeling throughout the county. Thomas Nast’s cartoons dealt with Anti-Catholicism in two different ways, the first focused

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Thomas Nast Anti-Irish Cartoons Nast. In 1846 at the age of six, Nast immigrated with his mother to the United States and by age 15 he had begun drawing for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated News.[1] He joined Harper’s Weekly in 1862 and at his height of fame was earning close to $20,000 a year

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Temperance Movement

...vities. An interesting side note, the proposed name first included “of the United States” instead “of America” but objections from Canadian societies also in attendance resulted in the change.[5] Catholic Total Abstinence Union Members of the union pledged to “abstain from… the sin of intemperance” and to “change the

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Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Monument in honor of our Blessed Mother,” revealing his belief that the United States needed to join the rest of Christendom in honoring Mary.[2] Early plans for the shrine were more in line with a 14th century French Gothic Cathedral; however, eventually Shahan and the Building Committee, which Cardinal

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