Black Catholic periodicals

...the 19th century. In November 1889, a number of prominent men (the actual number is not known) gathered in Baltimore for the first black Catholic lay congress in the country’s history. The emergence of this community was largely due to the efforts of Daniel Rudd, the “leading Catholic representative of

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Archbishop John Carroll

...death on December 3, 1815.[17]     [1] Annabelle Melville, John Carroll of Baltimore: Founder of the American Catholic Hierarchy, (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1955), 11. [2] Ibid., 14. [3] John Gilmary Shea, Life and Times of the Most rev. John Carroll, Bishop and First Archbishop of Baltimore, (New

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Daughters of Charity Nursed Wounded Civil War Soldiers at West Philadelphia hospital in a single month. The following month of August saw the greatest number of deaths in any one month, averaging at least one per day. In just one year, patients consumed more than 800,000 pounds of bread, 16,000 pounds of butter and 334,000 quarts of milk. During the war,

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